
There are 27 teachers, including 12 full-time teachers, and there are 6 teachers in charge of daily life guidance in the office on the second floor. We support students in all aspects of their school life and life in Japan. This includes one person in charge of Korean and one person in charge of Chinese. There are three of us and two people in charge of Vietnam, so if you have any difficulties, we will do our best to consult you in your native language. We are doing our best.

教職員紹介 教職員紹介 教職員紹介 教職員紹介 教職員紹介
Atsuko Ohata chief

It is a school where you can study while enjoying Japanese culture and traditions.Here we go!

金 雪香 Deputy Secretary

Welcome to HESED. Prove yourself with your actions, teachers will all help you and look forward to meeting you in Nihonbashi.

大沼 朝子 teacher

Japanese is difficult, but interesting.Let's study together!

郭 子碩 Promotion

I hope you enjoy your life in Japan and welcome to HESED Foreign Language School.


Stay with you always like a family.Let's meet in Tokyo!

藤坂美帆 teacher
木村早苗 teacher
須藤祐介 teacher
野田友麻 teacher
的場祐子 teacher
佐藤麻美 teacher
小池真右 teacher
hien staff